Last week I talked about Sarah as part of Down syndrome awareness month. This week I want to talk about Elijah. I want to share 5 thoughts I had the day he was born.
1. The first thing the doctor said when he was born was "Wow, look at those big toes!" . I was worried at first that something was wrong with his toes, but there was not, he just had really big toes! He was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen.
2. I was able to hold and bond with him the entire time they finished my c-section. I was then able to carry him back to recovery with me and give him to my mother for her to see him for the first time. This was a very special moment. Only Doug was allowed in the surgery room with me. Mother had been so upset that I would miss the birth. She did not realize with the epidural I would be awake and remember all of it!
3. I told Doug to stay with Elijah while he was in the nursery so he would not get swapped by mistake and to video everything. I did not want to miss anything. He literally did what I said. We have over an hour's worth of video of Elijah laying there! I did get to see his first bath and first checkup though. I bet those nurses were worried that we were looking to catch them in a mistake!
4. I will never forget the feeling I had when the doctor came to my room and said that Elijah had a heart murmur and she was referring him to a cardiologist. I just cried. I was so sick at the thought that he was ill. He had an echo cardiogram and did have a VSD, but it was minor. They said if it did not close by 1 year of age they would do surgery. It closed at 9 months of age. Praise the Lord. I have had to really trust God over the last 5 years to protect my son, the beautiful gift from God.
5. I thought my heart would burst with the love and joy I felt at his birth. He was the most beautiful little boy I had ever seen. I love him more than I could ever imagine. He is really growing into a beautiful young man. I am so proud of him!
Children are a blessing from God. I feel so privilege to be the mother of 2 beautiful angels. God has been so good to me. Here is a picture of Elijah that was taken at the hospital 2 days after he was born.