Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas with Pop-pop and Mo-mo's

We had Christmas with Pop-pop and Mo-mo the second weekend in Dec. The kids were so excited. Everyone had tons of fun and really enjoyed their gifts. We stayed in since Isaac was just a little over a week old, so it was very relaxed.
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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Isaac's first bath

He did not enjoy his bath!! He slept well after his bath. He still does not like to take a bath, but is doing a little better.
I have tons of Disney and Christmas pictures that I will share this next week. We still have Christmas with Doug's family next week. Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!

In January, the kids will have a photo session so look for a blog makeover in the next month!
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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Snow Fun

Pictures from our snow days!!!
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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Two week well visit

Today was Isaac's 2 week well visit. He is now 6lbs-14ozs. He got a good bill of health. He now wears a newborn size clothing and diapers. He is taking 3-4 oz of formula every 3-4 hours and sometimes at night will go 5 hours. He now has his days and nights correct!!! Mommy is very glad about that!!! He has really good strength. He has rolled himself from his back to tummy a couple of times now. This generally occurs when he is ready to eat. He is not patient when it comes to eating time. Elijah and Sarah still want to hold him all the time and both are very protective of him. Sarah pitched a fit the other day when Karyn held him while I loaded her in the car. She screamed "Isaac" the whole time. She was so happy when he was safely in his carseat beside her!
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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

It's a BOY!!!!

Introducing Isaac Douglas Uriel born 11/30/2010, weighing 6-9, and 19 in long. Uriel means light of God and was picked by his birthparents. Isaac is a pure joy for us. He is an easy baby. I think he looks a lot like Elijah as a baby. I need to scan Elijah in this blue outfit and put them side by side for you to see. Even the pediatrition commented that he looked like Elijah. I am amazed at how God takes care of even the smallest details of our lives. Elijah is a wonderful big brother and loves to hold and feed him. Sarah loves Isaac and always looks for him to give kisses. They are both adjusting well to a new brother. We had to stay in GA until this weekend. I am glad to be home and getting settled. The kids have been out of school for 2 days due to snow and tomorrow is looking iffy on them going. It has been nice the last few days just to stay at home and snuggle with Isaac.
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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Last Week

Sorry I have been missing in action again. Last week was a long week. My Grandmother passed on Saturday night. Mom and Angie came from GA for mom to stay with the kids and Angie to go with Doug and I to MS. We were in MS until Wednesday. Thursday a prospective Children's Minister came in for the church to meet and I was busy with that the rest of the week. In the mist of that I have been dealing with allergies/sinus infection. I attempted to go to a walk in clinic on Saturday an was not able to find one that was not so full they were no longer taking anymore patients for the day. Think everyone is sick. I feel much better today. Know I have a sinus infection so guess I will call my doc in the morning and get an Rx. The kids are doing great. They are both well and only terribly spoiled from Nana being here. lol. I would not want it any other way!!!
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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wacky Tacky Day

Several weeks ago, Elijah's school had wacky tacky day for red ribbon week as part of Say No to Drugs. Elijah wanted to be wacky and tacky for the day...ok, he really just wanted a dress down day!!! He wore a red t-shirt that has snowmen on the beach and camouflage pants. He wore 2 different socks and shoes. I tried to get him to roll up at least one pant leg, but he did not want to be that wacky!!!!
Update on our family: Sarah is better. Only seems to be walking differently when she first gets up. Elijah and Doug are back to 100%. My grandmother is in hospice. Her blood pressure is low and she is unresponsive.
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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bad Hair Day

Sarah was a bit restless last night and her hair is proof!!!! She also refused to let me get her hair completely dry so it was damp, which made it stick up more! She actually slept ok. She awoke upset about 5am, but went back to sleep in our bed for another hour. The time change still has both of my kids messed up. I am tired already this morning. When you hear screaming, it will be me tackling brushing out this mess.
Posted on by Oily Special Momma | 1 comment

Monday, November 8, 2010

Still Here!!!!

Yep, we are still here. Life has been...well, life! Our life as usual is wild and full of adventure. I have tons in my brain to share, just need to take time to type it out. Currently life is challenging. Doug and the kids were in a car wreck on Saturday. The van is totalled--in part due to damage, but also due to age and mileage. Everyone is ok. Doug has a scraped head. Elijah is complaining of neck and head pain. The head pain was also occuring prior to the wreck. He is cutting his molars and having headaches. Sarah, who giggled through the ride, is now having walking issues. The doctor checked her out and thinks it is just soreness. We are watching closely. She is not complaining, but does not want to walk and when she does she is favoring one side and is wobbly. She is happy and playing well. Praying for healing for all of them. I was not with them, I had gone to the grocery store, so I was close and able to get to them fast. Sarah was giggling and talking to everyone and Elijah was crying. Holding my 3 babies closer the last few days! Here are a few current pictures. I will try to be better with the updates. Please remember my family in your prayers, my grandmother had a heart attack a few days ago and after improving and holding her own, she is now no longer responsive and declining. Doug and I will be going to Miss soon. Mother will come and stay with the kids.
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Thursday, October 14, 2010


Sarah's new phrase. This one totally stumped me. Took me several days to figure it out. Can you figure it out? Come on give it a try!!! I will give you a clue. If I ask Sarah to repeat something, she will say "ga-fidid-id"(all together as one word). She will also say this if I want her to name something or use her words to get something. Got it? Welcome to my world of translation!!! Sometimes we are all frustrated by the time we get it! I have the habit of saying "just forget it" and going on. Sarah has picked up on my habit apparently!!! *sigh* now to break her of this habit and get her to repeat things and use her words! Speech is probably our most frustrating area right now. We hear her using words on and off, just not regular or on command. She refused to talk to Irene the last time she tested her and tested out worse than the time before. I know she understands, just can't get her to tell us. Then out of the blue she will name something for someone that I do not know she knows. Last time we were at the pediatrician she picked up a book and started naming things to Dr. Keown. I was amazed. Of course when asked what something was, she refused. I know this is part of the apraxia, but it is just frustrating. I just wonder how much she really knows and just can not communicate to us.
Posted on by Oily Special Momma | 1 comment

Friday, October 8, 2010


Wow, has it really been 7 years since I first held you in my arms? It seems like yesterday. I love you so much. You are such a joy to have for a son. You are so loving and kind. You are a leader and make sure everyone is included. You are such an example for Sarah to follow. Elijah, you make me so happy caring for your sister. You love her so much and you help her and take such good care of her. I am excited that you are a child of God. You truely show God's love. I am so blessed to call you son. We are going bowling tonight with a few of Elijah's friends and then Pop-pop and Karen are coming tomorrow for a visit. We celebrated with Nana while we were in GA. We are going to Disney over Christmas break for everyone's birthday. Here are a few pictures of Elijah's birthday with Nana:

Nana also gave both kids a book this year that she recorded reading to them(this is from Hallmark). She added things to personalize them. I let Elijah open this gift this morning. I need to get the other grandparents to do this. Both kids really love it. It is a treasured keepsake. I just love that they can have Nana read to them whenever they want. I would highly recommend these, especially if grandparents live away. Also, I had a friend who's mother-in-law did these books for their grandkids when she was diagnosed with cancer and they have a keepsake to always remember their grandmother by. Priceless.
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Monday, October 4, 2010

Disney trip delayed

We are not at Disney this week as planned. Mom was having what she thought was gallbladder related pain and was scheduled to have it removed. The surgeon decided, just to be safe, to check out her heart since she said the pain was also in her chest. Turns out she had a 90% blockage in a main vessel and an 80% blockage in a smaller one. The hospital where she lives could not handle the stints because of the placement, so they sent her to Atlanta for stint placement last week. She is home now and doing good. She is suppose to take it easy for a week. Glad she already had vacation planned so she can rest. We have rescheduled Disney for around Christmas.
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Friday, September 17, 2010

Awesome Magic Maker

Today we received our Disney documents in the mail from our AWESOME MAGIC MAKER!!!! We went through Off to Neverland Travel. Our Magic Maker is Jennifer Lennox. Jennifer is wonderful to work with. She made all of our arrangements, reservations, gave us suggestions, outlined the best way to navigate through the park, and personalized our trip for us. Going above and beyond, she created these magical one of a kind autograph books for the kids, based on our conversations! They are the most wonderful gifts. Elijah was ecstatic over the pirate Mickey and Sarah was oooh and ahhhh-ing over her princess book. She cried when I put it up!!! If you are planning a vacation to Disney, give Jennifer a call, you will not be disappointed!
Jennifer Lennox
Off to Neverland Travel
Two more weeks!!!! I am sooooooooo excited! I think I am way more excited than the kids.
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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I forget.

Miss Attitude has this thing about hats or anything on your head or a change in your hairstyle. I don't know if it throws her off on identifying you or she just does not like it. I have a wedding picture that I have had hanging on the wall since our wedding. Not this picture, but similar. Sarah has NEVER named me in the picture. She has been naming Doug forever. When you ask her who else is in the picture, she just repeats "who else". Well, this week she is looking at the picture and says Daddy. I ask "who else?" and she replies "I forget" and runs. The little stinker. The next day Doug asked her who was in the picture and she says "mommy and daddy", and laughs hysterically and runs from the room. She still refuses to tell me who is in the picture. Wonder
how long she has known it was me with Doug in the picture?
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Sunday, September 12, 2010

Fun Day with Grandma

Last weekend, we went to Grandma's. As we were going through Louisville, I noticed a sign for a farm that had a cornmaze, fun activities, and a restaurant. We decided to try it out while we were in town. We all had a great day. We took a Dora cake with Sarah, Grandma, and my name on it for our birthdays and had it after lunch.
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Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Princess!

(Opening gifts at your birthday dinner)
Today you turn 4 years old! You are our princess. You have grown so much. You have brought us so much joy and love. You are loved by everyone who knows you. You make friends with everyone and love to give hugs and kisses. (LeapFrog Scribble and Write-you think this is a Leapster like Elijah's, you want to be like your big brother!)
You will start Mother's Day Out next week and you are so excited. We have been practicing your verse which happens to be part of the verse we picked for your baby dedication. You will sign "I am wonderfully made", but you say "I wonderful." You are wonderful. (listening to the Princess book Nana sent you, it recorded her reading it to you!)
God made you to show true love and to bring joy to others. You have taught us so much about how to love others and to show God's love. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRINCESS!!!(You loved them singing Happy Birthday to you!!)
We are going to Disney in one month to celebrate birthday's this year!! We are getting so excited!!!
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