Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sick, Sick Princess

By dark on Friday, it was evident that Sarah was sicker than we thought. Her temp spiked about 10:30 that night. She woke up screaming. When I picked her up she was scalding hot. I tried the ear probe and her temp registered at 106. After the initial panic, I got the other themometer out and it was 104.6, so very hot. Bath, meds, and got it down to 103 so we tried to sleep. Put her in our bed, so really no one slept! Sat was repeat, better during the day, horrible at night. Today again, better and well now she is crying downstairs(Doug is on his way to get her!). Her temp has not gone below 102 until this afternoon. She had a strep rash and today it suddenly got extremely worse. Guess we go to the doctor again in the morning, if we can get out of our frozen driveway onto the frozen road. Hopefully I will get some time in the next few day to post of our snow happenings this weekend(well, Doug's and Elijah's).
Posted on by Oily Special Momma | 1 comment

Friday, January 29, 2010

Snow Cream

Well, it did really snow here! Started in Nashville more than an hour before it started here. I ended up having to take Sarah to the doctor this morning and let's just say this GA girl does not know how to drive in snow!!!! People in Nashville do not know how to drive in it either, but some seem to think they can. I passed them later as they were trying to get out of the ditch. Silly people. Sarah's ears are better, but there was a possibility on Mon that she had strep(looked like it, but neg test) and well today she has it. The antibiotic was not working on the strep. Now we are on 2 antibiotics. She is acting like she feels better this afternoon.

Doug and Elijah went out in the snow and played for a bit. I did not take Sarah out, of course. After the snow had fallen for several hours we took the top layer off our table and made snow cream. It was yummy. It brought back childhood memories for Doug and I. Happy to share this memory with the kids. We never did this in town due to the smog, but out here we felt it was safe. The internet said it was safe after about 2 hours of snow fall. Elijah has a bowl sitting out to catch fresh snow so we can make more later!!! Hope everyone with snow enjoyed their day and stayed safe!
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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Princess is Better

Sarah has been really sick this time with her ear infection. Today she is finally better and back to normal. How do I know this you ask? Here is the evidence that I found this morning:
She had these on when I went downstairs to answer the cellphone.
Hmmm, that was on too.

Oh no, what is in the potty?

Thank goodness it was a toy, that one had me real worried!!
And here she is in her birthday suit! Glad it still fits. I went to put her coat on Monday and it did not fit. I knew it was a little snug, but it would not zip. I put another coat on her and it worked until she laughed at the doctor's office and busted the zipper! I did find a great deal at Children's Place. Got her a new coat for $17.00. Wow, I think that is a great deal. I do think maybe she needed a new coat a little sooner. Her old coat was an 18mo and this one is a 4T. Now in my defense....The 18 mo fit at the beginning of cold weather. She has had a growth spurt in the last 2 weeks, her pj's are also a bit smaller this week. We have not needed a big coat in the last 10 days it has been too warm. She has been wearing a smaller coat. Really the 3T fit her best, but I bought a bit bigger so it would last to next year, and they did not have a 3T in the coat I liked the best! This one is pink and matches her snow pants I got her a couple of weeks ago. The 3T was a yellow, pink, orange and lime green print that was just too wierd for my taste. It was the only 3T they had. I was glad to even find a coat. Did you know they already have bathing suits out? I am in shock! Praying I can find footed pj's in a 3T. I need to go shopping fast.
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Monday, January 25, 2010

Got tubes?

These are pictures from Sarah's birthday party.
Well, Sarah began feeling bad on Friday and by Saturday had a temperture. Figured it was her ears and of course, it was. Went to doctor today and the left ear is infected. This is the 2nd time in one month. Now we are waiting on a call from the ENT to discuss if she needs tubes. Mommy says yes. I just saw so much improvement in balance and speech as well just all around feeling better.
Okay, just got a call from the ENT. They are scheduling her for tubes. They will call me back tomorrow with a date. PRAISE THE LORD!! I thought I was going to have to fight for them. I was upset and anxious for nothing. God tells us not to be anxious that He is in control. I need to learn to wait on the Lord to work great and mighty blessings in my life. He has never let me down.
Posted on by Oily Special Momma | No comments

Friday, January 22, 2010

Pretty Dancing Princess

Sarah had her first dance class on Wednesday. I sat my camera out to take and then did not pick it up when we left. I wanted to cry. I took a few pictures with the phone, but they are awful!! I will have to take the camera this week and get some good pictures. She did wonderful. She listened and did what the teacher asked most of the time. She was so happy and excited about dancing.

Sarah has been in a stubborn mood this week. She started the week off refusing to eat unless it was something she could pick up with her hands. She refused to have anything to do with a utensil. Holly got her to eat a whole container of yogurt at therapy with no problems. When she saw me watching she told me to go! Then acted like she did not know how to eat with a spoon. The little stinker! She has been eating much better since then. Today she got her first sad face report and unsatisfactory behavior report at school. I just think that the lack of communication is factoring in to this right now. I think it frustrates her and she can say no and stop well, so she uses them. Praying that we move past this phase soon.

Elijah is doing well. He goes to soccer academy two days a week and is really improving his skills. He is reading well, telling time, counting, adding numbers ,etc now in school. He is so smart. His teacher has been having him help some of the other kids that are not getting the concept as well. He is enjoying getting to help. I am very proud of him. He has started asking to have a sleepover with a friend. I am so not ready for this! I do not plan on him sleeping at a friend's house anytime soon. I just don't know them well enough. He settled on having a sleepover in Sarah's room tonight. He is sound asleep in his sleeping bag in the floor and she is wide awake trying to get him to play. Not sure this is going to work!

I am still having problems with my allergies. I have had fluid on my ears and 3 ear infections since Thanksgiving. I have been to the doctor 5 times now and still am not well. We have figured out that the people before us had a indoor dog. I am very allergic to dogs. Guess we may have to pull up and replace the carpet. I have treated the house and hope that helps. Of course in treating it I have flared up my allergies. Praying we move past this soon too.

Sorry I have not posted in so long. Just been way busy. In fact, I have not even taken any pictures this week. That is not like me. I will do better. I would love to go take a picture of the kids sleepover, but they are both quite now, so I am not going to disturb them.
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Friday, January 15, 2010

Dancing Princess

Sarah is going to start a dance and tumbling class next week. I got her outfit today. She saw it and immediately wanted it on. It fit perfectly!! Even the shoes. I was so sure I would have to adapt them to fit and I did not figure she would be able to walk in them, but she can wear them and walks just fine in them!! I was so happy. She got right up and started to dance. Elijah started her Hip Hop Harry tape and she really got to dancing. I was crying tears of pure joy. I have always dreamed of having a little girl and taking her to dance classes and just having a princess. Sarah is a princess, no doubts there. She is all girly girl. I just did not know what her ability would be and to see how far she has come I am just filled with joy and unimaginable love for this little princess. God has blessed us with the most wonderful perfect princess ever imagined. God is such a great God and blesses us far beyond what we can fathom. Her knightly brother is also such a blessing and he got right in there and danced with her. He got upset when he saw me crying, but I just told him the truth that I was so proud of both of them and to see them so happy gave me happy tears. He is such a special kid. So sensitive to others. He has started soccer academy this week. He is really getting good at soccer and really excels in it. I love both of my kids so much. Thank you God for blessing me with my 2 little miracle babies.
I am sorry this is sideways, I can not convince it that I did not turn it this way, and it will not turn the right way!!!! Silly computer. I have a video of her dancing to Hip Hop Harry, but it is too long and I can not get it to upload.

Posted on by Oily Special Momma | 1 comment

Sunday, January 10, 2010

More Snow

Yep, we got more snow Friday night than we did on Thursday. We ended up with about 2 inches. Elijah and Doug went out in the snow for a little bit, it was just too cold to enjoy it. Elijah has on some boots that Owen gave him. They are a bit big and he had a little trouble walking in them. Kids have to go back to school tomorrow. Mommy is very happy. I am looking forward to some alone time!
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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow Day Tea Party

Well, schools got cancelled long before there were any signs of snow. We went on to therapy, grabbed McDonald's on the way home and started watching for snow. Sarah went down for a nap and more snow started to fall. After trying to get her to nap, I gave up and let her get up to play. Elijah set up the tea set Mamaw gave Sarah and we had a snow day tea party. We all had lots of fun! Sarah really did good. She only threw the cups a few times and really used her thumb and first finger to pick up the tiny tea cup. I was very impressed with her fine motor skills today!!! Waiting for schools to be cancelled tomorrow! The snow is falling good now, so I will take more pictures when it quits for our total snow fall amount(as small as it is!!!).
Posted on by Oily Special Momma | No comments

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Christmas with Grandma

I promise this is the last Christmas! We also had New Year's with Grandma, but Elijah did not make it to midnight! We had Christmas with Doug's family on Saturday. Everyone was there except Alex. She was sick. Hope we can see her next time. Everyone had a great time.
Posted on by Oily Special Momma | No comments

Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas at Nana's

On Christmas Eve we had Christmas with my mom, my sister and her husband. We all had a great night until Nana and Mommy got sick. Elijah had been sick earlier in the week. Sarah also came down with pinkeye. We did not let the illness get us down. We had a great night.
Posted on by Oily Special Momma | No comments

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas with Pop-pop and Karen

I think the pictures speak for themselves!!! We all had a very BIG Christmas. My favorite was my GA nutcracker. I LOVE it!! Elijah's was the star-wars stuff, Sarah's the rocking horse video game, and Doug's his new chain saw. But mostly time with family we love.
Posted on by Oily Special Momma | No comments

Friday, January 1, 2010