Thursday, December 4, 2008


Elijah is growing up so fast.  He is so handsome.  Today the pre-K classes went to sing at a retirement home.  They were so cute.  They made shirts that has their handprints in the shape of a tree, then they used their fingerprints to make the ornaments.  So adorable.  It will be a prized treasure for me.  I hope to get my disk drive today and I will post pictures then.  I video it, but it is too long to upload to show.  I need to get some editing software to edit it on my computer then upload, maybe some day.  Here are a few of his 5 year old pictures for you to enjoy until I can share the other pictures!!!

God's Handiwork God's Handiwork God's Handiwork What a handsome boy!!!

Posted on by Oily Special Momma | No comments

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