Last night after supper we went to the 4th of July celebration in town. They had inflatables, waterslides, games, food and entertainment. It was lots of fun. The weather was perfect. There was a good breeze and it was cloudy so it was not real sunny. The kids went down the big slide and Sarah pitched a big fit to go again, but the line was too long. They then bounced in the castle inflatable,

played some games

and then we sat out our lawn chairs and blanket had a snack

and waited for the fireworks. The kids played with the freebies that we got while they waited.

We took pictures, pictures, and more pictures.

Then we got all settled for the fireworks. Thirty minutes to go and what are my kids doing?....

yep, going to sleep. Then we changed laps/chairs for the millionth time and they it was time for fireworks.

Hard to catch fireworks with a digital camera!! The kids reacted to the fireworks...

Sarah's response was a bit different.

I think she was more upset that she was awakened than actually afraid of the fireworks. She got in my lap and went back to sleep and was fine through the rest of the show. Hope everyone had a great 4th like us.
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