Ok, we have been talking about when Sarah should go to a toddler bed. Elijah was already in a toddler bed by this age because he was climbing out of the bed. We have the opposite problem with Sarah. She tries to climb into her bed. Last night about 5:30pm she crawled into her room and tried to climb into her bed. She started out saying "up,up,up" then "nite-nite up, nite-nite up". She actually had her foot on the bottom rail and was trying to climb up. I tried to get a picture, but she moved her foot too fast.
Then she just shook the rail and screamed "UUUUUUPPPPP".
She is the only kid I know that actually likes to go to bed. She just giggles when we put her to bed. I had to tighten the screws on the side rail, she has shaken them loose. What am I going to do with this girl?
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