Slow for us I would say. Yesterday we stayed home and did some cleaning and laundry. Man was I behind on the laundry. I also painted while the kids had a nap/rest time. We are trying to get the house together for our homestudy. So here is a run down of our week. Mon, Wed, Thurs-Elijah has swimming lessons. Tues, Wed, Thurs-Sarah has therapy appointments. Tues night-Doug and I have an adoption education meeting. Wed-Sarah and I will go to church(Elijah and Doug to swimming lessons). Fri we have a playdate with A and O to go swimming. Sat-Elijah has swimming lessons graduation. Pop-pop and Karen are coming to see him graduate and will stay the weekend. So, see a slow week!! I guess I have just gotten use to being on the go and it really seems like a slow week. Not much to blog about so far. Here are a few pictures I took
of the kids a few minutes ago so I would have some to post.
Sarah is suppose to be napping in these pictures.
So this is how all of the ships sank, Elijah was driving!
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