Sunday, October 4, 2015

New Beginnings...

Thought I would get back into blogging about our life.  We are a family of 5 who are on a journey of living life to the fullest and following God in whatever direction he takes us!!  Doug and I journeyed alone for many years.  We finally connected on eHarmony and fell in love.  Soon we married.  Doug's job brought us to TN thirteen years ago.  A year later, we welcomed our first born, Elijah.  He was our miracle baby.  Our second child came to us via adoption in 2007.  With Sarah, we began our journey through "Holland",  the journey of Down syndrome.  We learned that "Holland" is a beautiful place and full of blessings.  This led us to adopt Isaac in 2010, who also has an extra chromosome.  This blog will be about our journey as we navigate this beautiful land God has created for us.  Glad you are going to join us and we began again to document the beauty of our lives.

I will start by updating you on each of us over the next week.  Looking forward to sharing our fun and crazy life!!!
Posted on by Oily Special Momma | 2 comments

2 friends said:

Cindy said...

I look forward to reading about your beautiful family!

Oily Special Momma said...
