Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Today is:404407_148521425259684_148478055264021_182660_840125548_n

Take time to learn about Down syndrome today.  Feel free to ask me anything about my precious angels.  They are the joy of my life(their brother is too, he just only has 2 of the 21st chromosomes!!!).  There are tons of websites that can give you the basics, but here is what our life looks like with Ds.

Therapy:2011 0732011 303 Looks like lots of fun!  Most of the time it is, but there are days that the kids have an off day and tears are shed.  They are learning and growing and love all of their therapist.

School:2011 370 Children with Ds can attend preschool at age 3 in the school system.  Until that point they have a home educator from early intervention that comes to the house once a week to work with them.  Unfortunately the school system does not want to put kids with Ds with the regular class instead they want them in special education classes, which are not always the best placement, especially in the early years.  For this reason, Sarah will be home schooled next year for Kindy.

Play(with lots of therapy incorporated.  shhh, don’t tell the kids!):2011 0132011 0202011 277

Tears2011 151We have emotions just like any other kids!

Smiles2011 072  Silly girl.  We love life and live to the fullest.  People with Ds are not happy and loving all the time, they experience all the emotions just like you and I.

Sometimes surgery2011 091  Yes, we have seen inside Vandy more than we would like too, but it is great to be close to a children’s hospital.  We have not had any major issues with our kiddos, but some kids with Ds do have major health issues.

Community 2011 0372011 036  We have an active local Ds community.  We get to go to functions with other families that have members with Ds.  This is a great resource and support system for us.  We are also active with many online support group.  Ds definitely unites us.

Future plans 2012-01-17153206[1]  We have hopes and dreams for Sarah and Isaac just like we do for Elijah.  They may be different, but we still want to give them every opportunity to reach their fullest potential.  That can include driving, having a job, living on their own or with roommates, going to college.  The possibilities are endless and only limited if we don’t reach for the highest levels. 

Posted on by Oily Special Momma | No comments

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