Thursday, August 12, 2010

More July 4th Pictures

Still behind on the updates. We are all doing well. Elijah is loving school. We had a little water damage from our washing machine. Apparently washers do not like to wash pull-ups. Not sure exactly what the part is called, but the pull-up filler clogged it and then the water came out of the washer too fast for the pipes and flooded the laundry room. Not too bad, easy enough to clean up. What we did not know was that the water had gone under the baseboards into our closet and bedroom. Of course this was in areas that we do not walk in and did not know it was wet until I began to smell it. I searched and searched, but could not find the smell. Doug was moving some boxes in the floor of the closet when he found the MOLD. YUCKY MOLD!!! Our insurance is covering new sub-floors, flooring, and repairs to HVAC and cleaning of the duct work for mold. We upgraded our flooring to tile and hardwood!!! It looks great. Since it was so new and pretty, I decided to paint the bedroom, bath, and closet. I am still painting and may be painting for a long time!!!! I will try to update more later!!!

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