Friday, October 8, 2010


Wow, has it really been 7 years since I first held you in my arms? It seems like yesterday. I love you so much. You are such a joy to have for a son. You are so loving and kind. You are a leader and make sure everyone is included. You are such an example for Sarah to follow. Elijah, you make me so happy caring for your sister. You love her so much and you help her and take such good care of her. I am excited that you are a child of God. You truely show God's love. I am so blessed to call you son. We are going bowling tonight with a few of Elijah's friends and then Pop-pop and Karen are coming tomorrow for a visit. We celebrated with Nana while we were in GA. We are going to Disney over Christmas break for everyone's birthday. Here are a few pictures of Elijah's birthday with Nana:

Nana also gave both kids a book this year that she recorded reading to them(this is from Hallmark). She added things to personalize them. I let Elijah open this gift this morning. I need to get the other grandparents to do this. Both kids really love it. It is a treasured keepsake. I just love that they can have Nana read to them whenever they want. I would highly recommend these, especially if grandparents live away. Also, I had a friend who's mother-in-law did these books for their grandkids when she was diagnosed with cancer and they have a keepsake to always remember their grandmother by. Priceless.
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