Friday, October 23, 2009

"Signs" from God

Have you ever known that something physical was a "sign" from God? So much of our knowledge is from the Bible. Through salvation I have a personal relationship with God and I know He is working in my life. His blessings are undeniable. They are miracles that He has showered us with. When Doug and I were dating, he shared one day that he had been praying about meeting the right person and had come to a crossroad. He prayed for God to give him a sign. On the way to work there was a billboard advertising a Billy Graham crucade and the sign said something to the effect of --Are looking for a sign from God, here it is. Although that sign was for a crucade, God knew what Doug was going to need before Doug even asked for it. I think God can be very literal in talking to us. This week we have been dealing with coming to the one year from the date we were approved to adopt another child and were officially waiting. With this we have to update our paperwork, physicals, our fees are adjusted based on current fee schedule and our current income. In addition to the added cost, I have now been waiting longer than a pregnant woman waits and coming off a hysterectomy I am just ready to have a baby. Needless to say this week has been a bit emotional for me. After praying one day, I came to a sign that read "When prayers go up, blessings come down". God can bless us in so many ways, and He has our family. We know we are going to have another child. We are secure in that. I, of course, want it now. The next day, I was praying to have a placement before our update(which was this morning). I then saw the following sign--"Do not worry about tomorrow, God is already there". Ok God, I get it. You know our future and it is perfect. We are waiting on God to reveal His miracle blessing for our family. PRAISE THE LORD!
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