Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Money Pit lives on....

You know it is really hard to sell a home in today's market.  Although, I do think the media is making matters look worse than perhaps they are(my opinion).  I have painted and painted.  Packed and stored tons of stuff.  Done outdoor work.  Everything to make our house look wonderful, and on the surface it really is.  This is a great house to raise a family.  There is tons of room and having the basement finished is such a wonderful blessing for a great play and therapy room.  Tons of benefits, but to me this remains a money pit.  We have practically replaced everything you can imagine, but this house is out to get me.  I know it is.  Now the kitchen sink is backing up!!!  We have poured two bottles of drain-o down it and some chemical that the people at Home Depot said was the absolute best stuff and it has a guarantee.  Guess we are getting our money back.  Did not work.  The sink is still stopped up.  The plumber is coming tomorrow.  Great just what we need a backed up sink and our house on the market.  Please pray this is an easy fix and that this house sells FAST!!!

Posted on by Oily Special Momma | 2 comments

2 friends said:

My name is Sarah said...

This is Joyce. Ugh. Nothing like a backed up sink. We had a similiar problem and it turned out the outflow pipe was frozen. Is your kitchen on an outside wall by any chance? Well hopefully, the plumber will figure it out. Good luck with the house sale.

Oily Special Momma said...

Hmm, yes it is on an outside wall. We were in very frigid weather earlier in the week, but Sat and Sun it was warm. Today it is into the upper 60's/70's and it is worse today. Some water is getting through, just very very very slow!! The plumber is coming so hope it is an easy fix!!!