Saturday, May 10, 2008

Chuck E. Cheese

Today we met Tracy, Lorie, and Brody  at Chuck E. Cheese's for lunch.  The kids had a blast.  Elijah and Brody were running around trying to figure out what to play next. IM000602  IM000603 - Copy Sarah was busy trying out all of the rides.  We had a great visit with Lorie and Tracy and got caught up on things since our last visit at Christmas.  Sarah's surgery is Thursday so they brought her a cookie cake to celebrate a speedy recovery.  YUM CHOCOLATE!!!!  Everyone really enjoyed the cookie.  We were all stained from the icing, but it was yummy so it was worth it.  Hmm, how am I going to count that on my weight watchers diet?  Oh well, it was worth the points I have been craving some good sweet chocolate!  Brody was excited that he was going to get to see his picture on the computer, so Brody here is another picture of you!IM000600   I am also going to put a video clip of you and Sarah riding the carousel so you can see a video of you on the computer!
Posted on by Oily Special Momma | No comments

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