Monday, June 29, 2009

Change in plans!!!

Friday I had the day all planned, but things did not go my way. I was going to Starbucks, then to the hairdresser for color and highlights, then grocery store and sometime late, late, late in the afternoon I would return home to well behaved clean kids and a clean house, then I would blog a bit and then pack to go to Chatt. I know such a dream!!!!! My darling husband had other plans. Now, I don't think they were the plans he had planned either, but let's just say that Friday did not go as planned. Here is a photo of some of our weekend fun:

Did you catch what changed our plans? Here let's go in for a close up: Yep, that blue thing is the culprit!!!! Doug hurt his hand on Wednesday(I will let him explain how, just ask him!!!!), on Thursday it was about 3 times the size it should be so Friday morning he went to the doctor, had an x-ray, then to an orthopedic to have a cast applied. This took ALL day. We were all tired by the time we got home and as we got the kids to bed, it stormed and the electricity went off. So, we just went to bed too. The kids both ended up in our bed, so it was not really restful, but par for our Friday!!! I am glad Friday is over!!!
Posted on by Oily Special Momma | 1 comment

1 friends said:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so sorry this happened! Sounds like you just went with the flow which is a much better way to be. I think our kids w/Ds have a way of calming us and handling things so much easier.
Now, if hubby can get through the long hot summer with that thing on... don't let him get a hanger stuck in there if it itches. Yes, I know someone that did that ;-0