Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Would not make it as a single mom

Doug left Sunday night to go on a business trip. Let's just say I am exhaused. God created families to have both a mommy and a daddy for a reason. Children take 2 parents. God also blessed me with the most wonderful husband and father. When Doug comes in at night he devotes his night to the children. He plays with them, bathes them(except for washing their hair!), and basically gives me a break. It is so much easier to cook supper without the children crying at my feet. I am a much better mom when I get a break from the kids for a bit each day. This is also spring break week for Elijah. I do not know who came up with spring break, but it is highly over-rated in my book. It was horrible taking 2 kids to Sarah's therapy session today. Elijah was so bad, I was embarrassed. Sarah took her que from him, so she was also bad. I was ready to cry by the time we got home. Everyone had a LONG rest time today. Mommy needed a break. Doug coming through the door was the best site tonight. I refuse to let him travel again.
Posted on by Oily Special Momma | No comments

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